Telephone numbers: - 8 (952) 494-86-16, 8 (4712) 22-24-56
Pay attention!
From 08.09.2017, people willing to get a patent or work permit in the Russian Federation have an opportunity for the first FREE composite examination retake (under the RUDN Rector’s order from 08.09.2017 No. 712)
The first composite examination retaking for persons willing to obtain a patent or work permit in the Russian Federation may be held not earlier than 3 days after the first examination.
The second composite examination retaking is held on a fee basis under the procedure of retaking the composite examination.
The above-mentioned order does not apply to people who issue a temporary residence permit and a residence permit.
From November 1, 2016 the procedure of the composite examination must be recorded. We pay your attention that the procedure of the examination is recorded!
From July 1, 2016, the new format tests on the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation have been introduced in the composite exam for persons willing to obtain a residence permit.
The version of the complicated test on the history of Russia and Fundamentals of Russian legislation consists of two subtests – a General one, consisting of 20 questions with multiple-choice answers, and an additional one, which includes five open-ended questions, to which the answer must be given independently. For example, in the second subtest on the history of Russia a person should answer the following questions: what is the name of the main square in St. Petersburg? Where is the Hermitage Museum located? What state document was adopted in Russia on December 12, 1993? Who pursued a policy of perestroika in the USSR? (Как называется главная площадь Санкт-Петербурга? Где размещается музей Эрмитаж? Какой государственный документ был принят в России 12 декабря 1993 года? Кто проводил политику перестройки в СССР?
You can find a sample of the new test materials here
Materials for preparation:
The composite exam is held at 10:00.
Testing for Russian citizenship - at 9: 00.
Late testers are not allowed!
In our center foreign citizens with disabilities (visually impaired, hearing impaired) can pass the composite examination in Russian language, Russian history and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation to obtain a residence permit, temporary residence permit and work permit.
PHONE NUMBER - 8 (4712) 22-24-56, +7 (952) 494-86-16
The temporary residence permit - 04.12.2017, 11.12.2017, 18.12.2017
Residence - 05.12.2017, 12.12.2017, 19.12.2017
Patent (for migrant workers) - 11.12.2017
Citizenship - 06.12.2017, 13.12.2017
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - from 10.00 to 15.00
Saturday, Sunday - closed
Test Session Schedule
Monday – 10.00 |
Tuesday – 10.00 |
Wednesday – 9.00 |
Additional organizational consultation is held the day before the exam at 15:00.
A composite examination in the Russian language, Russian history and fundamentals of the Russian Federation legislation to get temporary residence permit | Composite examination results for temporary residence permit |
A composite examination in the Russian language, Russian history and fundamentals of the Russian Federation legislation to get a residence permit | Composite examination results for getting a residence permit |
A composite examination in the Russian language, Russian history and fundamentals of the Russian Federation legislation to get a patient or work permit | Composite examination results for a patent or work permit |
Testing for granting the citizenship of the Russian Federation | Test results for granting the Russian Federation citizenship |
Before the examination, please read the RULES CAREFULLY, register by phone: +7 4712 22-24-56, +7 952 494 -86-16 or send the APPLICATION in electronic form by e-mail: For more information, please visit our page
During the exam, you must have:
- Original passport
- Photocopy of notarized passport translation - 1 PC
- Original migration card
- Immigration card Photocopy - 1 PC
Our center, in agreement with the International Сentre for testing Russian as a foreign language operating at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), holds tests of Russian as a foreign language (РКИ) and a COMPOSITE EXAMINATION ON THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, RUSSIAN HISTORY AND FUNDAMENTALS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION LEGISLATION with the subsequent issuance of State certificate.
Sample tests of Russian as a foreign language is here
Russian Testing System | Sample Tests | State Fee (per one examinee) | |
Composite exam for migrant workers (obtaining a work permit and a patent) | Russian language test samples | 4 900 (four thousand nine hundred) rubles | |
Sample "Fundamentals of Russian Legislation Test" |
Preparation materials | ||
Sample "History of Russia Test" |
Preparation materials | ||
Composite exam for persons to obtain temporary residence permit | Russian language test sample | 5 300 (five thousand three hundred) rubles | |
Sample “Fundamentals of Russian Legislation Test” | Preparation materials | ||
Samples “Russian History Test” | Preparation materials | ||
Composite exam for persons to obtain residence permit | Russian language test sample | 5 300 (five thousand three hundred) rubles | |
"Basic Concepts of Russian Legislation Test" | Preparation materials | ||
"Russian History Test" | Preparation materials | ||
Minimum level to obtain Russian citizenship (TORFL) |
TORFL sample | 6 000 (six thousand) rubles | |
Elementary (TEL/А1) |
TEL/А1 sample | 5 700 (five thousand seven hundred) rubles | |
Basic (TBL/А2) |
TBL/А2 sample | 6 000 (six thousand) rubles | |
First Level (TORFL-I/B1) |
TORFL-I/B1 sample | 6 000 (six thousand) rubles, including VAT | |
Second Level (TORFL-II/B2) |
TORFL-II/B2 sample | 6 300 (six thousand three hundred) rubles | |
Third Level (TORFL-III/C1) |
TORFL-III/C1 sample | 6 500 (six thousand five hundred) rubles | |
Fourth Level (TORFL-IV/C2) |
TORFL-IV/C2 sample | 6 500 (six thousand five hundred) rubles |
Conditions for issuing a duplicate certificate
A duplicate certificate of proficiency in Russian, knowledge of the history of Russia and Fundamentals of Russian legislation may be issued to foreign citizens and stateless persons who previously successfully passed the testing procedure in SWSU and received a certificate for the following reasons:
- loss or damage of the certificate or a duplicate certificate;
- detection of errors in a certificate or a duplicate certificate after the document was recivied;
- changing of last and/or first name and/or (if exists) patronymic name of a foreign citizen who previously recivied a certificate.
The duplicate is issued by the university on a paid basis and amounts to 2360 2360 (two thousand three hundred and sixty) rubles, including VAT
To obtain a work permit in the Russian Federation or a patent, you must pass a Composite exam in Russian as a Foreign Language, History of Russia and Fundamentals of Russian Legislation. " Fundamentals of Russian Legislation Test" Sample + Preparation materials "History of Russia Test" Sample + Preparation materials Russian Language Test Sample |
To obtain a permit for temporary residence in the territory of the Russian Federation, you must pass a comprehensive exam in the Russian as a Foreign Language, the History of Russia and Fundamentals of Russian Legislation. Fundamentals of Russian Legislation Test" Sample + Preparation materials "History of Russia Test" Sample + Preparation materials Russian Language Test Sample |
To obtain a residence permit, you must pass a composite exam in the Russian as a Foreign Language, the History of Russia and Fundamentals of Russian Legislation. " Fundamentals of Russian Legislation Test" Sample + Preparation materials "History of Russia Test" Sample + Preparation materials Russian Language Test Sample |
To obtain the citizenship of the Russian Federation, you must pass Basic level of TORFL |
To get a Diploma of Higher Education in humanities you must pass The Third Certification Level test |
To get a Diploma of Higher Education in non-humanities you must pass The Second Certification Level test |
To get a Diploma of Higher Education in humanities you must pass The Third Certification Level test |
To get a PhD Diploma you must pass The Fourth Certification Level test |
We conduct preparation for the tests (intensive courses, one-time consultations)
with the subsequent taking of an exam directly at our center.
The preparation period takes two to eight months, depending on the number of academic hours per week.
Long-term exam preparation courses for the Basic, First and Second certification levels will start in September (follow the information on the website).
Preparation duration is eight months.
Test unit characteristics.
The purpose of the test is to confirm formation of a candidate's communicative competence in necessary and sufficient degree to perform communicative tasks in typical everyday life situations in Russian-speaking environment with limited linguistic facilities feeling psychologically well which would be sufficient for obtaining Russian citizenship.
The content of this test exam is communicative. Objects of testing are the abilities of foreigners to communicate in typical situations that require the comprehensive application of different types of speech activity (in various combinations), as well as specific communication skills, for example, the ability to make contacts (orally or in writing), to choose the right strategy of communication depending on the flowing communication conditions and adjust it adequately to changing circumstances.
Thus, the purpose of each test task is to check real communicative skills of a candidate. Each task includes a description of the situation in which the communicative act takes place and the off-topic task (real-life goal to be achieved). Each task is preceded by an instruction to it. Use of reference books during the exam is prohibited.
The exam consists of five subtests: a grammar and vocabulary test, reading, listening, writing and speaking.
Subtest 1. Test of grammar and vocabulary. The test consists of 85 tasks where you need to choose the right option from the given four. The test includes grammar tasks as well as vocabulary selection task. For example:
1.Мы надеемся….
А. с вашей помощью
Б. в вашей помощи
В. на вашу помощь
Г. о вашей помощи
Subtest 2. Reading. You will be offered four texts. You will need to read these texts and perform 30 tasks with them. Understanding of the text content is verified.
Subtest 3. Listening. You need to listen to eight situations and perform 12 tasks with them. Situations represent subway announcements, TV news. The goal is to choose the answer option associated with the content of the announcement or news.
Subtest 4. Writing. The test consists of two tasks. It will be necessary to fill out a questionnaire and write a letter of a private nature on the given topic. The content of the letter is specified. The letter should correspond to a certain template and common phrases of greeting, addressing, wishing, gratitude and parting should be used.
Subtest 5. Speaking. It is offered to take part in free conversation and in dialogues. You read four given situations (of practical nature) and start a conversation. Example situation: you get sick and phone a clinic to call a doctor to your home. Tell the receptionist your first and last names, age, home address, what is hurting, etc. (Вы заболели и звоните в поликлинику, чтобы вызвать врача на дом. Сообщите регистратору Ваше имя, фамилию, возраст, домашний адрес, что у вас болит и т.д.) The final task is conversation on a given topic like your family or the town you live.
For self-preparation we recommend:
GRINT Centre for Education and Culture (a member of the Russian state system for testing foreign citizens in Russian language since 2003) and Rossiya dlya vsekh ("Россия для всех") website (RIA Novosti) produced a mobile app: quick course V dobryi chas(«В добрый час!») to help migrant workers to prepare for the exam in Russian.
The course contains 30 lessons. Each lesson is divided into six parts ("listening, reading, remembering, repeating, translating, talking") which allows you to master the necessary material for passing the test in Russian for obtaining a work permit.
The course is designed for mobile devices with Android 1.6 and higher operating system. The application is available for free on Google Play (Play Market):
The name of the course for the Google Play (Play Market) search is "Россия для всех"